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How lack of sleep for as little as 39 minutes can affect your child's health

How lack of sleep for as little as 39 minutes can affect your child's health     A new study shows that lack of sleep  can affect children's well-being and mood.   sleep deprived children do not do very well in school.   Losing even 30 minutes of sleep can have an impact.   Sleep experts say sleep should be a priority for  children and adults alike.    If they lost just 39 minutes of sleep, they felt significantly worse, had poorer academic performance, and  reduced quality of life.     sleep restrictions have also affected children who  lost as little as 30 minutes of sleep.       How sleep deprivation affects children   According to the study's authors, little is known about the effects of sleep deprivation on healthy children. Their goal was to study this problem.     The children in the study were part of another study aptly named DREAM (Daily Rest, ...